French Toast Baby this Evening!

Ryan Carell @MRat

Age 35, Male

Disabled Animator

Ottawa, Ont

Joined on 7/2/05

Exp Points:
2,438 / 2,500
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5.73 votes
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i've been trying to figure out what that thing in your avatar is for like months.

Here's a clue, it's a drawing!

I honestly don't know what it is, I just drew it.

nice movie

Spam is never going to be nice but thanks anyway.

i fucking love you ryan!

let's sleep together, right now, relieve the pressure, somehow...

Orgasm is good.

yep it is

I just pooped a little

poop poop poop

Regarding Naruto102: Sinitron sucks and you say Naruto is the worst anime ever. What makes you so good at animating? Your animations are way worse then the Naruto anime.

Look at it this way. You and I take a gander at a blue shirt. I say the shirt is blue, you say the shirt is green.

That's what's happening right now.

What makes me good at animating? I follow the rules, dipshit. I use the principles. I can draw. What I make doesn't stiffly stand there and move like a short circuiting robot?

Believe me, watch the animes I reccomened, and you're sure to see the difference.

Why are you talking about green and blue shirts? That is the worst analogy I have ever heard.

You are really dumb.

No, you are the dumb one making a n00b analogy! Think before you write.

The analogy is perfect, sir. It's saying that the difference in animation quality is as clear as the colour blue on a shirt.

It means I'm right and you're wrong. Comparitively speaking, I'm the animation expert. I would know, and you wouldn't.

This is like you telling an astronomer that the sun revolves around the Earth.

Also, the fact that you refered to something as "n00b" only further proves my point that you are ridiculously below average intelligence.

Dude your not that good at animating. If you were you wouldn't be a bartender you would be a proffesional animator. So don't think to highly of your animations.

I'm not talking about mine here. I'm talking about Naruto being bad. My knowledge isn't restricted to the doodles I slap together across a bunch of frames in my minor spare time.

Also, again, dumb thing to say, "If you were you wouldn't be a bartender you would be a proffesional animator." I'm 18 years old, it's been 8 months since I graduated high school, I'm about to start college and I haven't even looked for a full time job animating, and I do work in animation professionally. I do freelance, and I've had 2 animations commisioned freelance, which is pretty good for an inexperienced 18 year old with no formal training other than a couple workshops at animation festivals.

And you're missing the point. This is about, more than anything, that you are your hormone raged partner in crime, Naruto102, don't have a clue what you're talking about and you're attitude towards Sinitron is simply stupid. No intelligent person gives a rat's ass about some guy on a website who does shit they don't like.

To quote the Beatles, "Let it be." Those are the wisest words ever spoken.

Your contradicting yourself you say you know a lot about animation, now you say your inexperianced. Which one is it? And " let it be" aren't the wisest words ever.

Experience and knowledge are not the same thing.

And yes, yes they are. There is a woman in Missouri. Her IQ is over 200. She is considered the smartest person alive. Her last name is even Savant. She perpetuates the philosophy of "Let It Be."

Please, don't bother trying to tell me that you're smarter than her.

That is retarded just because she follows that philosophy doesn't mean it is the smartest thing on earth. There are other people for instints Albert Einstein who queoted "Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish."
- Albert Einstein

That is a way better quote then " let it be." So what are you saying this women is smarter than Albert Einstein?

In terms of IQ she is.

And yes that is a GREAT quote, and I agree with what it has to say.

But I'm sorry, to me there will never be anything greater to say than "Let It be." The world would be perfect if everyone just let it be.

Well she does have a higher iq then Einstein ( a little higher than 160) but what is her greatest achivment to the world?

Not inventing the H-Bomb.

What great things did Einstein do? Theory of relativity was later proven incorrect and he invented H-Bomb. Neither of these are good things.

This naruto102 guy is hilarious.

is he for real?

I really think, and hope, that he and rtb are alts.

Otherwise my faith in humanity has been severely shaken, haha.

How about E=mc2 and the Brownian motion. Are you saying that she has contributed more to the world then Einstien has. Don't forget Albert Einstien was in the 1800 and 1900. And Savant was born in recent times so of course she has a higher IQ. We are more advanced and have more technology then in the 1800 and 1900. And Savant is only a journalist. Albert was a scientist.

"And Savant was born in recent times so of course she has a higher IQ. We are more advanced and have more technology then in the 1800 and 1900."

There is no evidence to support that statement.

E=MC2 is considered to be incorrect by many physicists now, so yeah. And all Einstein did for the Brownian motion was help Smoluchowski to confirm the theory by researching in his spare time. Sure it's great and all, but the massive error in judgment he made by allowing his research to be public before it was ready is why there were something like 220, 000 deaths in Japan during World War II, and nothing can make up for that.

Anyway dude, just add me on AIM so we can argue there. This comment box thing is getting old and I'm going to make a new post soon.

Yeah this is getting old and all you talk about is the h-bomb. Boring. And no thanks for the aim.

Well the H-Bomb is one of the worst inventions of time. It's terrible, and it dwarves anything else you have to say about Einstein.

The H-Bomb is awesome! Thats what won the USA world war 2. We blew about a lot of those gooks! Yeah, H-Bomb rules!

I believe this is certainly sarcasm.

You're a funny little guy.

No, it is not sarcasim it is the truth.

It is your opinion. It is not the truth.

No one wins in war.

MRat, leave that dipshit alone, hes just your average 14 year old anime faggot with his nose stuck inside a Sasuke-plushies ass. Hes got too much brain fat stuck in his brain circulation to understand what youre trying to explain. Its useless to make sense for kiddies like him. Hes just an attention seeking dumb kid, who got too much time on his hands to create unnecessary fuzz with other people. Too much wrapped up in naruto to put different things in perspective. Too retarded to accept that people got different opinions, and that his gay world doesnt apply on everybody else. Look, he cant even fucking spell right. Lil ego bastard. Theres nothing wrong with showing him up or something, but its just really painful to see him feeding on your replies. Dont give him too much attention, hes after your cock. Bump him off with a short note, and let him fap off on his naruto fanwares.

And oh, ill put Pakonjo on it just in case.

I wouldn't do this if I wasn't having fun.

You know me well enough Hammi to realise I'm just playing around with the guy anyway.

Btw, my conclusion is that hes just a faggoty troll by some gay user. He refers to Japanese as "gooks", and obviously hes happy about the H-bombs. If hes such a fucking naruto fan, why is he happy about killing thousands of the same people who gave birth to naruto? Hypocrite. Either hes a troll, or hes just an incredibly dumb monkeyshit.

I did think calling the Japanese gooks was lame, but whatever his ignorance is not my problem.

Hammi when did I ever say I was a Naruto fan? I watched one episode and didn't really like it. Think before you make false comments.

Besides I enjoy bantering with him.