I met this girl at a church in Dortmund. She's an architect and an amateur animator. She's really funny and has such a unique sense of humour. I also love her style alot. Her toons won't be for everyone mind you. I reccomend givnig her a look if you can. It's awesome stuff.
She's been doing traditional animation for years but just got started in Flash a few months ago. I can't wait to see where she goes. I see big things in the future, thats for sure. Her name is Ann Jaeger, she's 23, and she's single boys! I'd say she's fairly cute too, in her own way.
On a personal note, I'm slowling production on my shorts thing. I just can't get one done everysingle day. Too lazy, and I'm preparing my portfolio to apply to some schools in animation. All the shorts will be done withing a 24 hour time period though. So rest assured with that in mind.
I've completed two shorts so far. One is a Superman spoof, the other is a sort of Bair Witch/Handicam spoof.
Another NGer has contributed an idea for the collection. VPComics, a fellow Canadian joins the ranks of NG members who are guest-writing. If you've got an idea send it my way! Don't worry, I'll credit you, haha.
Ryan Carell, signing out.
"Her name is Ann Jaeger, she's 23, and she's single boys!"
-Does she know you're pimping her out on NG?
"I'd say she's fairly cute too, in her own way."
-Is that some sort of nice way of saying she's fuck-ugly?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how many drinks would you say it would take to make her smoking hot?
She does know, and I dno, 3 drinks?