
15 Game Reviews

6 w/ Responses

I have some hearing loss. My father has a fair bit of it. This is fairly endearing, and accurate given the limitations of the medium. Perhaps some more features to flesh it out? They wouldn't be necessary but I got my imagination telling me there are many wonderful games out there using this basic device and I'd like them to be as authentic as the one you've made.

Everything delivers. I can't say it looks the way I generally like my games to look, but it doesn't look bad at all and the music is fabulous. The gameplay is intuitive and hits the right notes for the genre. The puzzles had me stumped. I'm not done yet, that's for sure.

Flawless, I would play this all night if I didn't have a massive pile of games to play and movies to watch for this month's voting. Coming back to this FOR SURE.

Really love the concept. The visuals are nice, though I'd love to see a more textured rendition as well. The controls, they're infuriating... - ly fun.

LesCrafteurs responds:

Thank you for your stars MRat !

Wonderful. I'm very much enjoying my playthrough and will definitely return for another. No bugs to mention, no complaints except maybe the lack of a save feature. I just don't have enough big chunks of time to play continuously right now.

JeffreyDriver responds:

Thanks. I didn't implement a save as the game is so short. Full game - https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/718187 (It has a save feature!)

OK. So. I find the game's initial open and premise charming. Sadly I encountered crippling glitches, errors, and breaks in the game from then on it. I couldn't even make it to gameplay without the menus ceasing to work. I see loads of potential here. I've never used Construct so I can't offer any useful advice. Sorry. Just, hmm, try to tidy up and logical operations so that the machine doesn't get confused about what it is doing, and please make the click boxes for your buttons bigger.

PhilippSeidel responds:

Thank you for your comment. I make a lot of new updates and finally I think I could fix the hardcore freezing and lagging. I will do the performance more better in future. But now, its better for me. I hope for you too! :)

Addictive, Stimulating, Pleasant. I can't say much more.

It would load but never open. Sad face.

Fantastic! This is easily the most original shooter I've ever played. It might very well be the most original game I've ever played period. I find the graphics rudimentary but entirely sufficient and enjoyable. The gameplay is baffling, and flawless. I haven't progressed too far yet but I've marked it as a favourite and will most certainly return soon!

French Toast Baby this Evening!

Ryan Carell @MRat

Age 34, Male

Disabled Animator

Ottawa, Ont

Joined on 7/2/05

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