Pretty Slick
This was, for the most part, a work that was interesting both visually and through the script. It's nice to see such a fully round work with attention spent to a number of varied details. We don't get many like this on here.
The animation ranged from mediocre, to good, to nearly great at points depending on how heavily your through your weight on the crutch of tweens versus how much frame-by-frame you did. Your best animation was clearly in the middle ground, as is evidenced by the scene with Fat walks towards the portal and the lines wobbled without conveying any true sense of movement, and some of the Kaiser's tweened arm movements that were stiff. The bit with the robot and its laser eyes was mesmerizing. Simply magical. Well timed, well spaced, and very well rendered.
Still the visual dwarfed the animation. The colour choices were impeccable and your subtle gradients gave alot of value to simple things that otherwould would have been flat as a result of the lines. My only gripe is with some of the design work, specifically the technology in the lab. I've seen that same basic teleporter and specimen tube 100 times over in nearly every sci-fi story. It'd be nice to see a fresh design.
Better yet than everything else was the script and the very solid voice acting delivering it. While I think that influenza virus thing was plain stupid and makes no sense the way it was written, everything else so far is a highly immersive mythopoiea that is clearly well though out and rounded to a full development. I'm sitting here saying, "WOW. What happens next? Who are these people, and how are the so real with so little information given me?"
Very nice work, sir, very nice.