Pretty damn good...
... I really like it... in fact, i loved it. I hate Saw with a passion. I don't know about you, but I'm an actor, and the acting sucked in that movie. Either way, your graphics weren't too good, but you made up for it in concept. As for the prvious review, go suck a donkeys left testicular ventricle, Coldplay is awesome.
So clean up you graphics, they were a tad skectchy, but more so, they were just poor, no offense, drawing a a pc is ass. The hair for one thing was a big issue, it had no relation what so ever to the head, try to picture yourself, with a porcupine on your head, and thats what the main charcater looked like. The chin structure on the face was flawed, but not detracting. Your characters were slightkly robotic in their movement, ever joint does not move at the same speed, but rather legs faster than arms, and arms faster than central body. The bone structure on the faces was your biggest drawback, you people looked like someone beat their bones inward to create a squished, all to close together look. Don't be afraid to spread everything out, use the space you gave to the face (heheh rhyme). Finally, I coould see some realy anime influence in the eyes, but you just didnt, seem to pull it off right. A better tactic is to animate the whol face and whatnot before hand, then go back, and add the eyes and the eyebrow/eyelid expressions accordingly to the nose and mouth positions.
Well that's all I have, hope it's been helpful, and good luck on future projects.